Terrarium FAQ's

What is a terrarium?
A terrarium is a self-sustaining ecosystem of living plants and mosses within a glass enclosure.
A terrarium can include a variety of soil, stones, sands, gravels, crystals and decorations, and are very customisable to your own style and themes.
Terrariums work by trapping the water on the sides and lid which would normally be evaporated. This water then cycles back down to the plants and mosses creating a humid environment similar to a miniature rainforest. The best thing about a terrarium is that it's not just a beautiful living addition to your home or work environment, they make a great gift and are super easy to care for.
What plants are suitable for a terrarium?
Common terrarium plants include Fittonia, and miniature varieties of ferns and peperomia. The best way to choose your plants is to first choose your terrarium. This will dictate which plants are suitable for the environment and what size plants will fit and look best.
How do you display a terrarium?
Display your terrarium on a firm surface such as a table or shelf, in a space with plenty of bright natural sunlight. Terrariums are a great low maintenance pop of life and colour to any indoor space.
How do I care for my terrarium?
An established terrarium with a leak proof lid will rarely require any watering. There will be a small patch of condensation on the inside of the lid or on one side of the glass. This tells you there is moisture recycling around the terrarium and humidity present.
Provide plenty of natural sunlight. You may notice the leaves of the plants change direction to reach for light. Occasionally rotate your terrarium to allow all sides even amounts of sunlight. You can use a terrarium suitable grow light if your space isn’t consistently bright enough or during winter.
Avoid direct sunshine. It will burn the delicate plant leaves and mosses as well as over humidify the terrarium.
Avoid drafts, heaters and air conditioner flows as these can quickly alter the temperature of the terrarium.
Trim plants and mosses as needed.
A terrarium info care guide is provided with every purchase and to each workshop participant. If you require additional support, you can contact Caz on the Little Green World Albury Facebook page, or by emailing littlegreenworldau@gmail.com, or by SMS 0478110107

How do I water my terrarium?
It’s best to use bottled or rainwater in your terrarium as tap water contains chemicals which can cause live moss and plants to lose their colour.
If there is no condensation present but the plants look happy and healthy, you can provide 1 small mist of water from above the terrarium opening or towards the moss and put lid back on. If there is still no condensation after 2 days, provide 1 small direct squirt of water to the base of each plant and put lid back on.
Be careful, it is difficult to reverse the effects of an overwatered/ over humid terrarium. It is always better to water less. An overwatered/ over humid terrarium has large patches of condensation on the glass and the plants will look unhealthy/ soggy/ mouldy. Remove any mouldy parts of the plant, wipe away all condensation with paper towel, improve sunlight location if necessary. Put lid on after 2 days and monitor.
How long does a terrarium last?
A happy terrarium can last up to many years.
Terrariums are made with specialised miniature plants which are designed to be slow-growing and stay small. Terrarium plants will grow over time and can be trimmed back if needed.
Can I make my own terrarium?
You can learn how to make your own terrarium at a Little Green World workshop. These workshops are suitable for beginners and are a fun, relaxing and social experience.
In each terrarium workshop you will make your very own terrarium, learn about each terrarium layer and how to take care of your beautiful terrarium at home. No experience is necessary.
Each workshop ticket includes an informative hands-on experience, a complimentary selection of beverages, professionally catered selection of nibbles, time to socialise and ask questions throughout, photos, carry bag, and take home information care sheet.
Click here to join an upcoming terrarium workshop!